Frequently Asked Questions


Where is demarcation used?
To create a divide between a safe and hazardous zone. At ground level this can be to keep pedestrians away from moving vehicles or machinery. At roof level this can be to keep rooftop workers away from a fall hazard.
Where is demarcation installed?
When there is a requirement to identify the separation between areas of safety and danger using a physical barrier. (ensuring the demarcation is at least 2m from the hazard)
What components make up the demarcation system?
The demarcation system is made of 3 components; base, post & chain.
What spacing are the posts?
A 3m spacing
Will the system sit on any substrate?
Yes – assuming it is flat. We would note that where the system is to be placed on a roof covering we would recommend that advice be sought from the roof covering manufacturer as to the compatibility of the systems. In some instances i.e. Single ply membrane there may be a requirement to place a separation layer (sacrificial pad) between the base of the post and the roof covering.
Is specialist training required to install the demarcation system?
No. Having identified the position of the system at least 2m from the hazard, installation of the demarcation system is quick and easy requiring no specialist tools.
queuing barrier Safe distancing barrier
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