LNP Consulting

Demarcation barrier
Demarcation barrier


D-marc provides a collective protection barrier solution for Carillion HQ.

D-marc rooftop demarcation barrier was specified by LNP Consulting for use on the Carillion HQ Wolverhampton to create a safe zone for operatives trafficking the main roof area.

Regular access is required to the roof of the Carillion HQ building for the maintenance of rooftop mounted air conditioning plant. LNP Consulting identified that by using a combination of D-marc demarcation barrier and a freestanding guardrail system a safe route could be created from the roof access door to the air conditioning plant (as the attached photo shows).

For the majority of the roof area the D-marc was specified to delineate the safe route across the roof and create a Collective Protection zone inside which work can be carried out without the need for extensive individual training.

The D-marc 105 system, is a freestanding demarcation system which can be easily installed without the need to penetrate the roof surface. The system is lightweight, only 12.5 Kg per unit and whilst highly visible to the user presents a low visual impact when viewed from ground level. The system has been wind tunnel tested to withstand wind speeds in excess of 105 mph as a requirement of BS 6399-2 Wind load on Buildings.

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Demarcation Apparatus Patent