New Trends in Building Processes and Roofing Materials

January 19 2021 0comment

New Trends in Building Processes and Roofing Materials

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Technological advancements have seen a great improvement in building processes and roofing materials. There is an emphasis on eco-friendly and long-lasting green roofing materials and building practices. People are also moving towards modern and stylish roofs with reputable character. If you are looking for ideas for your new roof, or you intend to replace your old roof, have a look at some of the growing trends in the industry.

1. Asphalt Shingles

Over the past few years, the demand for asphalt shingles has significantly grown. Asphalt and composite shingles designed with cooling granules to enhance their energy efficiency have become more common in the UK and across the world. You will also find laminated shingles designed to be more durable as they can last for twice as long as the typical traditional asphalt shingles. Such shingles are available in a variety of colour options and styles to give them their great and elegant look. When installing your new roof, consider your safety and that of your contractors. Ensure to install the necessary fall protection, such as a post and chain barrier, before you begin any work.

2. Solar-Ready Roofs

Solar panels have become more popular today as more businesses and homeowners aim to reduce carbon emissions, cut energy costs, and reduce the need to rely on electric grid. Most people often saw solar panels as bulky and unattractive. As a result, manufacturers have designed solar panels in various forms to meet the needs and preferences of the customers. Today, less bulky, solar-ready roofs have been installed in most commercial and residential buildings across the country. Solar roof shingles are also becoming more popular, especially for modern homes and commercial buildings. These materials can provide power for the building without distracting from its beauty or exceeding the weight capacity of the roofs.

3. Attractive Metal Roofing

Metal roofs are known for their ability to last up to three times longer than typical asphalt roofs. They are extremely low maintenance, energy-efficient, and can withstand several weather conditions. These roofs are also environmentally friendly since they’re mostly made from recycled materials hence minimal carbon footprint is left during the manufacturing process. These reasons can explain why most home and commercial property owners are willing to consider this roofing option. You can save up to 20% of your energy costs with metal roofing. It comes with attractive roofing options and a range of colours to enable customers to choose their preferred options.

4. Light-Coloured Roofs

Light-coloured roofs are becoming more popular every year due to their ability to reflect more heat from the sun. White, silver, light brown, grey, and blue are great colours that can reflect most of the sun’s rays hence absorb less heat. Reflective roof coatings also absorb less heat hence reduces energy costs while keeping the interior of the building more comfortable.

5. Environmentally Friendly Roofs

Environmentally friendly products are currently on demand. And roofing materials are not an exception. Energy-efficient roofing materials and roofs made from recycled materials are becoming more popular now more than ever. New legislation passed by relevant government authorities also encourages building owners to consider environmentally friendly practices and roofing materials. Fortunately, these materials have become less and less expensive over time due to high demand and production in large quantities.

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