How to Reduce the Risk of Fire Damage to Your Roof

January 23 2020 0comment

How to Reduce the Risk of Fire Damage to Your Roof

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A roof's purpose is to provide shelter and security for the people, assets, appliances, and other contents underneath; a damaged roof can hardly fulfil this purpose. Fire damage to the roof is among the most costly and emotionally devastating disasters one can experience in their home or business. It can cause losses of lives and millions of money in a matter of minutes. All property owners need to take efficient steps to prevent such a disaster and/or reduce its consequences as much as possible. Below are some of the most effective ways to reduce fire damage in your roof.  

1.    Use Fire-Resistant Materials
It’s important that you use fire-resistant materials for your roof. Some of the common materials used include metal, clay, and asphalt shingles. Consult with your contractor to advise you on the best relevant materials to use. Yes, it might cost a little more pounds, but it’s often worth the investment. Most roofing materials have been rated into different classes, with Class A materials being the most fire-resistant materials and Class C being less resistant. However, there are unrated materials which have the least resistance to fire.

2.    Clean Your Roof Regularly 
Having a lot of debris on your roof doesn’t only make the roof untidy, it can also be dangerous in the event of a fire. If this debris continues to burn for an extended period, the heat could overcome the resistance of the roofing material, causing them to burn as well. It’s essential that you clean the debris regularly, especially when there’s a change in season or weather. You can also clean the debris during your usual roof inspection.  

3.    Check for Holes and Gaps
Fire-resistant roofing materials usually play a major role in reducing the risk of fire damage. But the presence of holes and gaps in some areas of the roof means less protection in the event of a fire. The fire could easily sneak through these holes and gaps and into the otherwise unprotected areas underneath. Ensure to check for any holes or gaps and repair them as soon as possible to enhance your roof safety. Do not access the roof without the relevant demarcation barrier in place. Safety should always be your number one priority. 

4.    Embrace Winter Safety
Winter season usually records a significant number of fire cases. This is because a lot of people tend to attend to most of the activities such as cooking, smoking, and drying indoors. They also use different methods to heat the property, including fireplaces, and space heaters, among other heating appliances. These activities pose a great risk of fire and the result could be catastrophic, especially with no efficient fire prevention mechanisms installed. You must be careful with how you handle and use your heating and electrical systems. Children should also be warned against using any cooking or electrical appliance without close supervision by an adult.    

5.    Install Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are among the most important lines of defence in any property. They’re essential for detecting the smoke in its early stages to allow for timely reaction to prevent further damage and to evacuate everyone in the building. Consult with a fire safety professional to guide you on the location, installation and testing of the detectors. 

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